Saturday 9 February 2013

420 Scope

FEATURED 420 Scope
420 scopehandheld microscopeportable microscopemini microscope420
420 Scope The 420 Scope is a powerful hand-held microscope for the entire 420 community. Use the 420 Scope to look for bugs, molds, mildews, ripeness, potency or simply just to admire the beauty of your plant. - Bright, ultra-white LED light - 60-100X magnification - Comes with long-lasting batteries What makes the 420 Scope better than other microscopes? Several things. One is that the 420 Scope uses a bright-white LED light (instead of regular "yellowish" bulbs) and will illuminate your herb for optimal clarity. In addition, 60 to 100 times zoom is the best magnification to inspect the trichomes. And of course, its size - the 420 Scope is handheld and will fit in your pocket.

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