Tuesday 5 February 2013

No More Cravings QUIT SMOKING PROGRAM. Quitting Smoking Need NOT be as Traumatic as is Commonly Assumed.

FEATURED No More Cravings QUIT SMOKING PROGRAM. Quitting Smoking Need NOT be as Traumatic as is Commonly Assumed.

This is a Quit Smoking book like no other. Do you want the freedom to attend any function you wish to without wondering how long you will have to go without a smoke, or how you can slip away for a quick smoke? Take the Questionnaire and determine your smoking “triggers” – there are 13. Then go to your personal Quit Management Plan. Learn about 7 inexpensive substances that greatly eliminate nicotine cravings. Understand the psychology of smoking cigarettes. What makes this book so unique is that you will learn exactly what drives you to smoke, and then be directed to the Management Plan Chapter that addresses that "trigger". Knowing your personal "triggers" will prevent you from relapsing, and smoking again in the future. I am a qualified Biological Laboratory Technician. With 30 years of scientific research behind me, I have uncovered 7 substances that reduce nicotine cravings for four different biochemical reasons. The inexpensive supplements I have collated in one plac


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